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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > AORTIC ANEURYSM
9/23 17:41:58

I suspect a aortic aneurysm after a car accident and wonder if you might know what the best test for this is? Would a chest xray reveal this or would an ultrasound examination need to be done? I have symptoms of this, like high back pain, giddiness, abdominal pain, headaches, difficulty swallowing, and had a car accident in january 06 that was quite severe with the seat belt hitting my chest very hard. I am very concerned that if it is this, it may rupture or something with dire consequences. Thank you in advance for your assistance
kind regards


Thanks for writing!

Yes, I can see that you should be concerned about how you are feeling since the accident. That sounds like an injury that needs to be corrected. If not corrected, it could be giving you trouble for the rest of your life.

It is hard to say if it is an aortic aneurysm. I have treated many car accident cases and have found that the injuries are usually in the spine.

Even with seat belts and air bags, the spine can be bent or torn apart. This is important, since inside the spine is the big nerve, the spinal cord. And that controls all of the body.

When the spine is bent, the bones of the spine keep the nerves from doing what they are trying to do. And so an incorrect message is sent to and from the body organs and muscles and joints.

I suggest you get to the bottom of this and get it corrected. Go to, and and find a good chiropractor near you. Go to them and get a second opinion. If they suspect a ruptured  aorta, they will order the proper test. I do not know what is available in your area.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom

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