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Facet Arthrosis of the spine
9/23 17:33:17

I recently had an MRI of the LS spine. It indicated that I have 4 bulging disc and at the L5-S1 level there is narrowing of the neural foramina bilaterally. What is the treatment for this and will it get worse if I continue to lift patients? Can I cause further damage? There is never a time when I am totally pain free.


From your answer it sounds like you are a nurse or similar.  The treatment for this goes one of two ways: conservative (no cutting) and non conservative (involves surgery).  

I have written an article about the disc on my website,, you can read all about it there, and in the majority of the answers I give here... it's common.

Discs do not like flexion (bending forward) combined with rotation.   It shears the disc, and breaks the fibers, causing damage and decay.  If you lift patients incorrectly, it will get worse.  Disc damage is CUMULATIVE.  Continuing to do what caused the injury WILL make it worse.

The treatment is the opposite of what caused the injury: traction (pulling your low back apart) and extension (arching your back).  A chiropractor treats this type of injury on a daily basis.  If you haven't been to one, it's worth going for the information alone.

The cutting method... if you have weakness, go to a neurosurgeon.  The surgery doesn't have the greatest success rate, and is 50% less effective in smokers.  (quit smoking if you do)

Not the rosiest of pictures here, but there certainly is hope.  Should you wish for a referral to a chiropractor in your area, please contact me through my website, and we'll find someone I might go to near you.

Hope this answer helps somewhat,

Dr. Peter Carr
Seattle, Washington  

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