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Disc bulging ailment
9/23 17:36:46

QUESTION: Two years back I experienced a severe back pain.  Since the pain got worst, I consulted an Ortho.  On examining my x-rays and my leg movement he told me that I am suffering from small disc prolapse (disc bulging) and asked me to take MRI.  MRI shows that there is a minimum bulging in L5 and it is pressing my s6 nerve of the left leg.  Because of that I often experience pulling pain in my left leg, sometimes I felt like the senstivity in the left leg is lost.  After examining the report the doctor suggested me weight traction and electric massage for 15 days and a complete bed rest atleast for a month.  Doctor advised me to avoid certain activities like riding bikes, bending    forward. long journey, sitting continously etc.  So I was out of office activities nearly for 6 months Now I am taking Kerala oil     massage daily.  But still I am experiencing pain at my lower back as well as my left legmay be since I am sitting continously in office or I dont know the exact reason, but this time the pain is withing manageble range.  Kindly let me know whether any surgery is required to improve the condition of my back.  Will it becomes worst If I strain too much.  Advise me about the do's and donts for my back condition.

Thanking you

With Regards

Surgery is not what you need at this point, and actually most people don't ever need surgery, but the sad truth is that their doctors don't know any better and send them off for surgery way too often.  You should also know that surgery only causes more problems in the future anyway and does not get you well.  Surgery should be reserved as a last resort after all other conservative and sensible measures are explored first.
The problem is that your situation will continue to get worse unless you do something about it.  The sensible solution would be to locate and correct the cause of your health condition.  We have seen many people in your position and our experience shows that it has always been in the Upper Cervical Spine Subluxation or misalignment.  I can say that with authority because of all of the patients that we have seen with similar problems and having a track record of helping every single one of them to get well under our specific care and keeping them away from surgery and even drugs.
In order to get checked and see if you can be helped too, you would need to contact an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor of Chiropractic, as this is the only doctor that is trained to do this specific work.
If you would like a referral from me just send me your town, state/country and I will see if I can find someone that can help you too.
Please keep in mind that there are only a few hundred of us in the entire world and this is still a very unique specialty.  It is not uncommon to have to travel a few hours or even by plane to go and seek out the care of a seasoned professional.  We have patients that come to our clinic from all over the world for our specific care, because once they understand what we offer is what they are seeking, then they will travel if that is the only way to get it.

Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much doctor.  So kind of you that you have taken your precious time to answer my queries.  I am an Indian and I am living in Chennai which is one among the four major metro cities of India.  Kindly suggest me a good Doctor who is available in my part of world


I am sorry but this is American Made Healthcare and there are not any doctors that I can wholeheartedly recommend outside of America at this time.  We do however go on Mission trips, and if you were to set things up for us to travel there with a group of doctors we may come over to your country to offer care to thousands of your neighbors.  We usually look to be in the largest city in the area and the center of town as well. We also need to set up accommodations and meals for the doctors.  Let me know if you have any ideas as we are open to setting something up in the near future.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

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