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Lump in neck
9/23 17:37:40

I went to my doc yesterday and I have a lump in the back of my neck that is located just to the right of my spine and it kind of on my spine as well I am 21 and it does not hurt only as my doctor pushed on it and it does not move either....what all could this be? I am trying so hard to stay positive but it is really hard to right now. I go for a MRI tomorrow morning but please give me a idea of what else this could be other know what. Thanks

Dear Christie,

A few things to consider....tumor [benign{no potential to be cancer} or malignant{cancerous}], a cyst which is a fluid filled big deal.

Usually when a lump is found it can be classified as worrisome if it is fixed and non-painful.  If it is moveable or tender, then it is usually not problematic.  Since the tumor does not move, this is why the MRI was ordered.  it is very important to see what the "bump" looks like, figure out if it is a projection of bone or soft tissue, and then take it from there.

Since you are young, the odds are in your favor that this is nothing serious, but you always have to rule out the worst possible scenario.  Bottom line is that you need to stay positive and wait for the radiology report.  They may want to do a biopsy to get a more indepth classification, just remove it, or leave it there.  The MRI will determine the course of action and if treatment is needed.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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