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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Bursitus
9/23 17:43:07

Dear Sir,
My husband has had his elbow drained today. His doctor told him it is bursitus (Popeye Elbow). He IS following his doctor's instructions but the swelling and the pain remain. He is taking Rx 800 mg Motrin tid 4x per day but it hasn't helped. It appears to be swelling again with fluid. I will also tell you that the fluid that was drawn out of the affected area had blood in it. What can the common person do to releive the pain, swelling, and possible buildup of fluids until the doctor's office is once again open on Monday? I know elbows aren't your area, but you were the closest category I could find. Thank you in advance for you help.
Most Sincerely,
Nedra V. Templar, M.A.

Bursitis is commonly associated with an excessively tight muscle, whose tight tendon passes across the bursa and squeezes it.

Best treatment: retrain the involved muscle(s) to a more normal level of tension.

Option:  somatic training

Learn more at

best wishes,
Lawrence Gold

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