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Low back ache since 9 months
9/23 17:33:09

Hello, my back pain started 9 months ago without any accidents. Pain radiates toward leg. Pains lot even in sneezing and coughing. I cant stand more than 3 minutes. MRI impression revealed that DISC DESICCATION CHANGES AT L3-4 and L4-5 LEVELS WITH A POSTERIOR CENTRAL FOCAL HERNIATION AT L3-4 AND POSTERIOR CENTRAL AND RIGHT PARACENTRAL HERNIATION AT L4-5 level. Will you please advice me any treatment. Cz the medicines are not really working. Please help me it pains lot all the time. Do i need to do surgery or pills will help? Please suggest me any pills if possible..

Dear Jesan,

Go to a chiropractor that has either a flexion/distraction table or an intervertebral decompression machine.  Both technologies have been created to specifically address disc pathology by passively creating a pull on the disk which allows pressure reduction on the associated nerve roots and a pumping action to help push fluid into the disc from the adjacent bone marrow of the vertebra.

 I utilize a flexion/distraction table in my clinic all the time for patients with confirmed disc bulges on MRI of up to 6mm in extrusion with good results and most of the time I can prevent them from needing surgery.  Nothing is foolproof though and on occasion I have needed to refer a few back to the neurosurgeon.  

I would find a good chiropractic physician, and make sure that you take the MRI films for him/her to review.  I would suggest that you give the chiropractor two weeks to reduce the pain and increase your should see progress within that time frame, and you will likely need to undergo rehabilitation exercises as well to stabilize the spine.

If you do not see pain reduction and increases in your function within two weeks, then you may need to pursue the surgical option.

Hope this helps Jesan, Good Luck!

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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