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18 year old with RA
9/23 17:23:49

My son has finally been diagnosed with RA after years of pain.  He's been off and on NSAIDs and celebrex and vioxx.  Finally after elevated RA blood levels were detected we saw a rheumatologist.  We were switced to mobic and azulfindine.  Now symptoms are getting worse and she has suggested Remicade. Should we just try this and enter the treatment very cautiously or should I get a couple of opinions continue with different DMARDs and wait? I'm just concerned what the long run effects of the drug could do to him. I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice.


You are right to be concerned with the long term effects. The problem is all arthritis medications have potential serious long term side effects.

Remicade works wonders with some RA patients. I think the try with caution is the best approach. Sometimes you just have to keep trying to you find something that works. You have tried the safer of the options viox and celebrex.

If mobic and azulfindine were ineffective then it makes since to go a different rout. But do not forget the caution and read carefully the side effect warnings.

I wish you son good health.


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