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post hip replacement surgery
9/21 14:23:14
Hi Sharon, I am a 44 year old woman who had total hip replacement 6 weeks ago.  I feel my healing is pretty average from what I have been reading.  Do you have any info on using proteolytic enzymes for inflammation, pain and faster healing?  If so, any suggestions on a source.  And two, any info on having this metal and plastic in the body and its long term effects on the endocrine/immune systems?  Zimmer is the producer of the prosthesis I have.  And three, what about deep tissue/rolfing bodywork later on down the line to help muscles re-establish their proper function?  Thank you for your service.

Dear Kristi

Unfortunately I have never heard of proteolytic enzymes for inflammation, or faster healing.  I was told to use Glucosamine/Chondrointon.  So I can't help you with that information.

As far as Rolfing and deep tissue, I would not suggest any of those therapies. Rolfing actually removes fascia from the muscles and can cause damage to the bones. Any bodywork other than effluflage or pettrisage would not be indicated in hip replacement.

Since you are only six weeks out of surgery I suggest you do NOTHING other than your doctor suggests or you may put yourself at risk for damage.

Sharon Davis  

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