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Hip Replacement Surgery
9/21 14:16:10

I am 41 and set to have a total hip replacement 3/27.  I broke my hip at age 12 and had pins put in for about a year and then removed.  I have always had issues with that hip and was obese for 15 years.  I lost 130 lbs over the last year and a half and along with the new active life style I have acquired, I have blown what remaining cartilage I had in that hip.   Until the last month I was working out 6 days a week for approx. 90 minutes a day.  Strength training and Cardio. I am in great physical shape now for my age (although still about 20 lbs over weight) I am down to only 2-3 days a week right now as I can tolerate it. Will I eventually be able to return to that active lifestyle after surgery?  How soon will I be able to have sex after surgery?


Depending on the type of prosthesis the surgeon uses, that will determine the type of exercise you can do post operation.

You will have specific guidlines on what positions your body can be put into and which positions to avoid after your surgery.  The most important thing is to follow your recovery plan and don't push yourself too far, too fast.  You could set yourself up for problems if you do not follow directions.

As far as sex, most people need to wait 6-8 weeks, but your physical therapist can answer that question better once your surgery is complete and your are underway to your healing.

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