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Pain in the Knee at Night
9/21 14:16:29
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 1/28/2009

The concern is that my knee on random days would hurt in at night.  When sleeping and waking up to the pain, it would hurt so much that I can抰 fall back asleep.  It's an pulsate pain as if it's just vibrating in the knee which cause pain.  I thought it was just a random thing my knee would do this, but there was this one night both my knees would hurt.  I've been to the doctor and told them but they said it was nothing.  So, I thought it was nothing but it has always been my concern.  And just recently my knee left knee has been hurting at night for two nights straight which is unusual to me.  I don't recall the last time it has cause the pain but I do know that the pain switches from right to left.  I'm at the age of 18 and am a full-time student and part-time work.  I'm not really active, but this summer I will be doing a fitness project. There seems to be nothing that relief the pain but I do put like icy hot and massage it so the pain can be reduces which works for me.  I'm really concerned and have asked a doctor and like to have a clear or just an answer to this pain I'm having.  I like to know what the cause of the pain in my knees at night.

Hi Cynthia,

Its hard to determine what could be causing the pain unless a full examination was done. Do you recall twisting your knee for instance?

At 18 years of age of course they would not give you that pain without possibly some event that may have took place like a fall, picking something up and causing a slight twist etc....

Has there or was there any swelling? have you tried taking an over the counter pain reliever?

You may want to go to an orthopedic doctor if you haven't as of yet. The doctor you went to was it a primary doctor? You have to go to a ortho doctor who knows something about knees to get an answer.

You could have patella tracking problems at your age for instance. I do not believe arthritis is the cause due to your age.

I would see a orthopedic doctor if it does not clear up. They can get to the cause if you are continuing to have the pain you describe. This way they also can physically check you out and give you a more intelligent answer.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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