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Hand Surgery
9/21 14:22:48
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 10/1/2007

05/07,I had surgery on my left hand for carpal tunnel release an anchovy procedure for my left thumb. After the nerve block wore off, .The tip of my middle finger is very sensitive to touch and feels swollen but isn't. Left hand is cool an sweaty or much warmer an sweaty as compared to the right. Also the pad is swollen near the thumb. What is going on with my hand. I was put to sleep before they gave me the nerve block. Can you explain what is going on? Please help

Hi Charles,
These procedures are risky and commonly have poor outcomes, since the advent of less invasive technologies, better results have been achieved. More than likely they destroyed the nocirecptors and lymph drainage along with nerve damage. There are conservative techniques out there that can non-surgically decompress the transverse ligament with manual manipulation and therapeutic ultrasound.

This works 90% of the time. The problem is that the scar tissue will continue to propagate necessitating further surgeries. I suggest you get yourself enrolled in an ultrasound regime at a Chiropractors office to minimize further degradation and numbness, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to correct. What ever you do, don't do the other hand, it will probably only make it worse.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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