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knee problem
9/21 14:15:43
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 6/9/2009

QUESTION: my wife has knee problem which is about 1 year old but for nearly one month it is getting very serious. she is 35 years old with 3 kids. she feels pain in her knees we consulted an orthopedic who gave us (diagesic, Loxonin, and Orthotone plus) but these medecinens seems to be pain killer when she takes these it seems that she had never this problem but after 24 hour the situation is even more worse. i have met another doctor who refer me to rheumotologist at this point i do not know who to go to for this problem. First doctor says that her cardlidge has been finished and there is no cure for this. please guide me in detail what i should do and to which doctor this case belong rheumotologist or orthopedic i will be very thankfull to you.

ANSWER: Zubair,

Has the orthopedic doctor x-rayed her knees? taken the x-ray standing for a more precise idea regarding the joint space in the knees.

She is young to have problems with both knees are any other joints affected? If not I would stay with the orthopedic doctor or get a second opinion about her knees from another orthopedic. I always advise getting a second opinion anyway.

If it is in fact cartilage problems then there may be options but that may depend on your location etc...

If both knees have cartilage damage or it has worn away then the surgeon will have to see if a knee replacements or injections are in order to buy some time.

Have another orthopedic look at the knees. There may be a possibly a blood test will show something why the knees are hurting that is why the rheumatologist as been mentioned.

There are of course other explanations possibly here that may involve why she is having trouble with her knees but with the information you have and not having the ability to have a physical exam try the above information for now.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes she had X-ray because without this doctor is not being able to recognise the problem. and she had also blood test. i am living in pakistan. if you have contact of any good doctor here then please guide me.

Thanks for the additional information.

I would still follow with an orthopedic doctor for another opinion as at some point something will have to be done with the knees as they will not improve if in fact the cartilage is gone.

I do not have any contact information in your country at this time regarding doctors however try the link I have added here for more information if you havent tried it already.

Its a listing of orthopedic surgeons in your country.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida. USA

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