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hip popping
9/21 14:22:36

If I lay on my back and hug my knees close to my chest (imagine a Pilates move), or my hips are in a similar position (knees bent, torso close to hips), my left hip often "pops."  This happens about 1-2 times a day, and when it does I feel some tension relief in the hip area.  There is no pain, just stiffness sometimes.

Is this something I should worry about, or should I try NOT to pop the hip?

Thanks for any insight you can give.

Hi Susan

I really can't tell you what's going on with your hip.  For a person with a hip replacement "popping" in the hip is not a good sign.  I'd say if it causes no pain, don't worry.  If I were you I wouldn't pop the hip on purpose, but if it doesn't hurt, I dont' think it's a problem.

You don't give your age, but if you are over 50 it might be a good idea to have the doctor look at your hip to make sure nothing is wrong.


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