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Post-operative hip replacement care
9/21 14:22:28
My son is having hip replacement in 3 weeks. We have to travel about 400 miles for this surgery. We're concerned about how to get him home. We have a small SUV. Should we rent a commercial van or do you think with frequent stops he should be able to manage in the SUV?

Hi connie

I also had to travel home when I had my revision done.  An SUV should be fine as long as the seats are high.  As long as he does not have to bend to get in the car he should be OK.  Ask the hospital about the possibility of making him a brace before he leaves to ensure that his leg stays straight and does not cross.

It's even better if the seat can recline a bit too.  That will make the travelling easier.  Make sure he gets pain meds immediately before he leaves the hospital and you might want to take something for him to use as a urinal while you are on the road so he does not have to get out of the car unnecessarily.

If he does need to get out of the car, make sure he has a walker and ensure there is a bathroom available that someone can come in with him to be sure he does not slip.

Call the physical therapy center of the hospital and tell them the type of car you have and see if they suggest renting a different type of car.  We had a van and that worked perfectly for me.  

My only concern is that the seats need to be high so he can enter the car backside first without having to bend down.

Sharon Davis

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