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Knee problems
9/21 14:20:55
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 10/27/2008

Hi there. I am a 27 year old female, who had a knee injury in 1999. have had arthroscopy, lateral release and eventually 2 years ago they removed my knee cap. In July 2008 (This year) I under went surgery again were they removed a very large backers cyst, arthroscopy, cartilage graft etc and had my compartment of the same lower leg re opened. I have completed my physio treatment and went on to swimming and just normal every day life. My cyst has now already regrown and is getting larger as the days go by and is already causing great discomfort/pain and affecting joint movement. I am at my wits end and don't know were to go from here, as the surgery was only 3 months ago and I am back to square one again. Do you have any advise for me?

Really hope you can help!

Thanking you

Nadia, Sounds like you have had some extensive work on that knee. I would be sure that I have spoken with the surgeon to find out why that bakers cyst reformed. If I did not get an appropriate answer then I would at that point seek another opinion.

If the cyst is reforming then no doubt something inside the knee is being irritated and causing it to over produce more synovial fluid.

Be sure you have called that surgeon and express what is going on they may want you back into the office to check it out ASAP.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Fla.

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