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Hip Replacement.......
9/21 14:23:31
Hello Sharon,

I read that you had hip replacement at age 16 I was 15 when i broke the head of my femur causing the blood vessels from reaching the head creating a pain that i finally had my hip fused at age 17 to this day i have a fused hip but been thinking of having hip replacement I'm 27 now weigh about 230 work out constantly should i have the surgery done now or should i wait?

Hi Andy

It depends on how bad your pain is, and how bad the bone is in the hip.  Your surgeon would be the one to best advise you if now is the time for surgery.

If you find that your quality of life is being affected badly, you might want to discuss the ramifications of surgery.  The surgery will get rid of your pain, and essentially give you a normal life.  I don't know how it would affect your working out.  The hips eventually wear out, and have to be re-operated on to replace worn out areas.  So you want to be sure that the exercises you are doing are not going to affect the life of the hip.

I did have my first set of hips put in at 16.  I've had four revision surgeries, some worse than others, and there are definitely things I cannot do.  But if I had not had the surgery, I would be in a wheelchair.  So in my case the replacement surgery was the best option.

Talk to a good orthopedist, and see what advice they can give you.

Best of luck to you.

Sharon Davis

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