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Please advise me
9/21 15:09:11


I have had some sudden foot pain come on today which is quite concerning. I dont think i have injured it in any way so dont understand what it is. the pain is on my right foot, not on the innder arch but on the outer side of my foot. i can feel the pain if i try to stretch my foot right out but it hurts most when i walk on it and i am having to walk on the inner side of my foot or it really hurts. What is there that cud be causing it? Wud it be muscular do u think?

I do use weight machines at the gym but i havent been since wed and i dont really use anything that puts strain on my feet.

What can u recommend? Shud i see my doc if it is still here in a day or so?



Hi Nicola

You sprained a muscle in your foot. Take alieve, be kind to your foot, it will go away in about a week.

Give your foot as much movement as possible. Keep the shoes off as much as possible. Allow the muscles to stretch and move.

If it is brused, it will hurt when you squeeze it. If it does not hurt when you squeeze it, it is sprained. You stretched a muscle too far by accident. Happens to all of us.

Stay off the weight machines until the pain goes away. When exercising, do some stretching exercises first, such as squats (hold a counter top to balance yourself), leg stretches (stand at the counter top, put one leg back, foot straight forward, push the leg forwards and backwards, stretching the calf and foot muscles). I do these everyday. Keeps the leg and feet muscles flexible, not stiff, and gives good circulation.

Remember, when walking - walk with your feet straight forward. Too many people walk with their feet turned outward at a 45 degree angle. That ruins the bones and muscles in your legs.

Walk like a soldier. Feel the muscles in your legs and feet push you forward. Also a great exercise.

Write again if you have any further questions or concerns. Have a great day.

Hope you feel better!

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