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9/21 15:08:13

Eight weeks ago I had a bunion removed and hammertoe repaired.  My foot is still so swollen I cannot wear any of my "normal shoes".  I've noticed if I make an effort to stay off of my feet as much as possible during the day, my foot does not swell nearly so much as it does if I walk a lot.  Before the surgery I was in the habit of walking two miles a day.  Not being able to walk very far or very long is wreaking havoc on my diet/exercise program, and I was wondering if you know of any seated aerobic exercises I can do during this healing period that will really burn the calories like walking does? Thanks!  

Hi Brenda,

It is not unusual to have swelling eight weeks after bunion surgery.  The good news is that most people will more rapidly improve after the 2 month mark.

The best aerobic exercise in my experience is swimming.  You will get a full body workout and have the ability to exercise the muscles of your legs without pressure on the feet.  Also, working with a physical therapist for rehabilitation and exercise after surgery is an excellent idea.

As far as seated aerobics, some rowing machines can put minimal pressure on the feet and use more upper body motion.

Good Luck.  I'm sure in time you will be back to your routine.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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