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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > spinl injury / car accident sep.15 ,09
spinl injury / car accident sep.15 ,09
9/26 9:47:47

I was in an accident and at first i thought I was ok but i have been going to a chiropractor and have had 2 MRI's and still they want to reevaluate. I'm having some bad pain but the hospital just dismissed me .My pain is in my shoulder my arm  my lower  back and between my shoulder blades. my hands and feet keep going numb and I'm light headed and keep get head aces. I feel like i have a weight on my chest and i feel like i have bad heartburn. I'm very itchy especially my hands and feet, when i itch them they feel very hot under the skin. I have sever changes in temperature and I'm on grouchy all the time, and I'm normally very happy. I feel like nobody is listening to me. No one thinks I'm hurt or just send me to some one else I'm not on med's and no one will give me any for my pain because I don't  have a regular doctor I'm still waiting for the insurance company to settle because it was their fault so no doctors will see me. can you help answer some of my questions like what the heck is wrong with me? Thanks for your time and thanks for being here for people to talk to. It really dose make a difference.          
                Thankfully Yours,
                    Jammie Owen

Hi Jammie,  I am sorry to here about your injury and seemingly endless complications due to your injury. I think you probably injured your spinal cord. That would explain all the things you are feeling. Are you seeing a neurologist? If not, do! If you are, see another one. I am not a doctor, but many of your symptoms sure can be the result of a spinal cord injury.

As for your insurance company, was the accident your fault? If not, don't sign anything. You could be in for a long time of health issues if it is a spinal cord injury. I hope I was of some help, you deserve some relief. Take care and if you need more help please ask.

Sincerely, Ken

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