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incomplete laceration at T8 level
9/26 9:49:26

I was wondering what would be the result in an incomplete laceration at the T8 level, but still connected on the left half of the spinal cord? When could someone be told for certain if parmanent parasthesia would take place?
Thank you

Hi Hallee,
Thanks so much for your question.

Since the cord does not regenerate, most any laceration will cause some permanent paralysis. It will depend on the severity of the laceration to determine how much paralysis there will be.

The amount of nerve damage and scarring will also be determining factors as to how much loss of sensory and motor skills there is.

In most cases, any return of function will
occur within the first 2 years of the initial injury.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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