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broken neck
9/26 9:47:36

What can they do for a broken (twice) c1 besides surgery. i already had the halo 7mnths about 15K years ago. then was suppose to have surgery. it never happend.  im having a tough time holding my head in place.  and im scared. will i still be able to walk if my head falls off_ im serious.  help me my insurance or the neuros or the laawyers all treat me like im some freak i dont know how to cope i have kids and need to do something i have  no one to turn to. sincerely wendy

hi Wendy, first off I'm sorry for what your having to deal with. I know a neurosurgeon (Dr. Cully White# you might want to contact who might be able to help you or at least answer your questions. I can give you his contact information, but you'll need to do the rest. You can send a question directly from the following web site.

or you can call him/his office at: #414) 649-3924

I hope this helps, sincerely, Ken

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