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abdominal pain
9/26 9:29:25

hello, first i want to thank you for taking the time to read my question.This is whats happening to me , its been 6 days today that i've been feeling this not too strong pain on the low part of my abdomen , i feel it on my right side. it appears when i stand up , lay down ,snezze , or any movement that require a little strength. like i said its not very painful but still i cant stop thinking about it. the first day i didnt care 2 much , the second day i got my period it was abundant which is not very often for me and relief thought that that was the reason of the pain ( like an ovary or something) the next day my period was vey low fluid and the pain was softer too. the 3rd day i had almost no fluid (which is not uncommon on me)i didnt feel no pain that day , once again i felt relief being almost sure my period was the reason of  the pain. on day 4 the pain came back a little bit stronger thats when i started to worry , then yesterday and today is more painful than any other day. im not on my period anymore , then why it still hurts? what can it be? if it was very painful i would go to the doctor , but i dont know , go to the doctor involves missing work and i dont know if its worth it. maybe im just overreacting. im sorry for taking so long . i hope u could understand me. thanks again.

Hi Andrea and thanks for writing,

Is there any chance you might have been pregnant? If so, you really should go see the doctor. If the pain continues or gets worse you should also get examined to make sure you don't have anything serious. You really want to find out what is causing the pain and whether it requires treatment. Isn't there a doctor or clinic you can visit before/after work or on a Saturday

Wishing you all the best,

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