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Went To ER In May
9/26 8:59:27

Dr. O'Brien,

Sometime in May I hurt my neck by bending down and turning my neck to the left. That happened on a Saturday and Tuesday I still couldn't moe my neck.

The ER doctor told me that I had a neck strain and Lordosis (sp?) of the spine. He also told me it would be very easy to reinjure and old neck injury.

Ever since then if I drive or sit too long my neck starts to hurt again. This passed Friday I was complaining to my husband that my neck was bothering me and then the pain started radiating into my back right between my shoulder blades. It felt as if some one was reaching in and squeezing in that area. Friday night I layed on my heating pad. It feels better and losens up but as soon as I am off it for 10 minutes I can't move my neck again. It hurts so bad I actually cry. And pain usually doesn't make me cry. Still today, Sunday, my neck is still in the same shape. I am currently taking Flexeril that was prescribed for me the last time.

It hurts to move my neck and even lifting my arms brings tears to my eyes. Is this something that could be helped by a chiropractor?



Hello Angie,

   You may want to have a MRI of the cervical spine/neck.  MRI will show the cartilage/Disc, you may have a swollen disc or bulging disc.  A doctor of chiropractic will be able tell through a exam if you have a suspected disc injury.  Then the chiropractor may order a MRI for your neck.  Then a proper treatment plan can be established.
Only use ice for now, heat will cause more swelling in the neck!

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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