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pain in right chest
9/26 8:49:39

I was skiing last week and had a bad wipeout. When I wiped out I had a video camera in my right hand and my arm was extended. I immediately had a sharp pain in the right side of my chest, just under my breast. It often shoots right into my back just below my shoulder blade. It hurts extremely when i sneeze or cough, and when i get up from a laying position. It feels like i need someone to crack my back into place. I'd go to doctor but i dont want to wait hours in an emergency room just for them to tell me to take some pain medication. ITs been over a week and seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Dear Shawn,

I would suggest that you need to have the area checked out by a chiropractor who is trained in sports injury.  This will ensure that you will actually receive an examination of the spine, ribs, arm and associated musculature.  

You have likely torn the musculature on the anterior chest wall called the scalene muscles, or the intercostal muscles...and you may have also torn part of the pectoralis major or minor muscle due to the mechanism of injury.  Fib Fracture, disc bulge or a torn rotator cuff are also possible injuries from what you have described.

A sport injury trained chiropractor will not just send you out the door with pain medication.  They will functionally evaluate the injury for a site specific diagnosis, tape it for support if needed (Kinesiotape, Leukotape), utilize ultrasound or low-level laser to promote healing and reduce scar formation, and will use functional rehabilitation techniques and soft tissue work as the injury will allow.  Not to mention if you need to be referred out for advanced imaging or a medical consult, they will get you to the correct health care professional

You can find a well qualified sport injury doctor at

Good Luck Shawn!

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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