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Back Injury & Recovery
9/26 8:53:58

Hi Dr. Paul Newhart,
 My name is Ryan and I am a 24 year old who is in excellent shape, but I did have some bad luck with a back injury. It was probably about 2 months ago (I was warmed up and had even used a foam roller to loosen up my legs and back) but while doing bench I let my back arch just a little much and all of a sudden I felt a pop (right in the area of where my lower back turns into my tail bone) I couldn't tell if it was a pop like something snapped or if it was just a pop like I was cracking my back or knuckles. Well it didn't really bother me too bad so I kept playing basketball on it and doing real light lifting that didn't seem to irritate my back but before I knew it my back was starting to seriously bother me.
For work I am sitting about 80% of the time and that is when I notice it the most. I notice it from about 1/3 of the way up my back (where I seem to have a huge knot or maybe scar tissue on the left side of my back) and the pain goes all the way down to the top of my tail bone area.
I am no longer doing anything I think will iritate it at all (no lifting, running, basketball, etc...). I am 100% dedicated to do what it takes to recover 100%.
I bought an adjustable band/brace that seems to be helping, but my questions are...

What can I do to help it recover quicker?
 Should it be to loosen or to get in deep?
Personal Tens Machine?
Certain stretches?
Should I ice or use heat?
 When I ice at night, it seems to really hurt the next day. When should I use heat?
What other methods or advice could help me to recover?
When should I start doing core exercises?
 When I feel no pain in my back? (not sure when this will ever be)

Once I'm ready to come back, what would be a good way to approach exercising and getting my back 100% again?

What exercises can I do know for my legs or body that won't bother my back?
  Any variations that make it so my back isn't bothered while doing arms or legs or something?

Thanks a TON!!!

PS. (I won't get insurance with my new job for another month so I need to wait until then to go get it fully checked out).

I would get myself checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible.  In the meantime, I would used heat in the morning to loosen up, and ice at the end of the day to ease inflammation.  If you do a search on the net for Psoas/Iliopsoas syndrome, you can get a couple of useful stretches, as this may be part of your problem.  Core exercises should resume as soon as you start having corrective care.

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