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ear pain
9/26 8:41:13

my mother has been to see two doctors as she has a constant pain in her ear that is not getting better.  She has had her ear examined by the GP and they have both said this could be due to her neck.  She has no pain in her neck. Painkillers do keep the pain off but as soon as it wears off the pain is back. The pain feels as if it is in the bone behind her ear.  Can you suggest the reason for this and what might be done about it.  She is 68 years old so I am aware age may have a factor in this.  She is incredibly worried so any advice would be gratefully received.
Thank you.

This is a very tough question to answer and I really don't think I can give you a definitive answer but I certainly can tell you what tests I would order.

I would get an x ray of her head and neck first and foremost and then I would order MRI of her neck and skull. I would want to assess the the actual skull where your mother describes as the bone behind her ear for any possible infection. Your mother should have an examination of her neck by a competent chiropractor. She should also see an ears nose and throat specialist.

Please re send any further questions. Hope this helps
Dr John Quackenbush
Chiropractic Physician

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