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L5 S1 L4 L5
9/26 8:44:45


Background, I am a 51 year old male, presently my condition is as such. Per a MRI, my L5 S1 is completely smashed as if it were fused. There is absolutely zero space between the L5 S1. My L4 L5 is almost just as bad as the L5 S1. The L3 is in poor shape. I have been to 2 Chiropractors ( 8months ), and I am presently receiving steroid injections and taking Tramadol 50 for pain management. I am experiencing severe pain in my lower back, left hip, sciatic pain in the rear left leg and burning toes.   

The discs in my neck are problematic as well. An X Ray of the C3 and C5 and C6 discs are stepped, and my neck clicks or ratchets on moving left to right or up or down. I have pain in my left shoulder and arm.      

Specifically, the radiology report states -

Cervical Spine

There is a flattening of the mid cervical contour with anterior carriage of the head. Bulky ankylosing hyperosotic bone formation is present in the cervical spine. There is advanced degenerative component associated. Degenerative posterior stair stepping is seen at the C3 and C5 disc levels. This most likely is contributed to by discovertebral articulation and apophyseal joint degeneration alteration. There is no other significant osseous joint or soft tissue alteration apparent.

My question is, are my neck issues caused by my lower back L5 S1, L4 L5, L3 disc collapse. Is my neck having to compensate the spacing or spinal load because of my lower back disc collapse?

I thank you advance for your opinion.


Jerry Lovy


Sorry to hear you're in such shape.  Your degenerative spine is genetic, inherited.  You can thank mom or dad.  One region has nothing to do with another.  If you have it in your lumbar spine, odds are you have it in your cervical spine.  It is thought that the thoracic spine gets spared somewhat because the ribs create some stability, but this may not be the real reason.  There's a chance you have osteoarthrosis in your hips and shoulder joints, too.   Again, you inherited this.  It's genetic, just like collies and shepards get bad hips and poodles and terriers don't.  You should consider taking oral glucosamine sulfate as well as hyaluronic acid.  It can't hurt.  If you develop signs of nerve compression, e.g. loss of reflexes or muscle strength, and you also have pain that worsens, then you might need a surgical consultation.  Your condition is not easy to treat.  Nobody has the magic answer.

'Good luck.

Dr. G

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