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adult with missing corpus callsum
9/26 8:51:22

I don't know if you know anything about this but my husband has been having pain on the right side of his head near the base. behind the ear. the pain radiates to the front. It is slightly swollen. He went to the neurologist and found out he is missing his corpus callosum. I was wondering if maybe the pain was associated with the absent of the piece of the brain. His doctor has treated him for pinched nerve and started injections but no change and its been 3mths. His doctor still says it is the pinched nerve. we don't know what to do.. Can you help or refer me to someone?

First of all, do you know if he is missing the entire corpus callosum, or a certain part of it?  Secondly, this pain is most likely unrelated to that brain situation but we would need to do some tests to find out for sure.  When can you have him come out for an evaluation?  I would want him to bring any X-Rays, MRI's , CT Scans, and any other diagnostic test results that he may have at this time.
There is a good chance that I can help your husband, but I hope you will understand that I will not know that for certain until I get a closer look at him and his condition.
Fair Enough?
Let me know if you have any further questions and I will do my best to help answer your concerns.

Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
"Brainstem Specialist"
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

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