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Popping in my joints
9/26 9:01:13

For as long as I can remember, I've been able to crack my toes, ankles, knees, back, neck and - as of the past two years - my elbows in the same manner many people crack their knuckles (which I do, too).

I've been to a rhumitologist and was told that I simply have hyperactive joints and it's nothing to worry about. However, I am concerned as I often feel a buildup of pressure/pain that can only be relieved by my cracking the joint. I also constantly have pain in my shoulder/neck/upper back area. When I do crack the joints, there's a sharp burst of pain that's followed by an alleviation of the pain.

Is this normal? Is it anything to be worried about? Could a chiropractor do anything to assist me?

Hello Elle,

   Stop the Crack!!  You will cause plastic deformation of the joint!  This means you will loosen the ligaments around the joint to the point where it becomes easier and easier to crack, then eventually injury can occur with ease or the joint will not stay in place!  When people self adjust the wrong pressure, force and angle is applied and can damage the cartilage or cause scar tissue.  You may want to see a doctor of chirpractic to be adjusted and start a strengthening program to tighten the affected joints.

It's hard to quite at first but after a 4-5 months you will be feeling a lot better.

Thank you for your question,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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