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torn or pulled muscle
9/26 9:00:32

I am male, aged 54. had golf lesson Fri 19th. Warmed up. Did strenuous follow thru  a number of times without hitting ball (using special  club  to measure club head speed. Felt strain on LEFT side under arm around ribs. Had to stop lesson as I couldn t hit ball without severe stabbing pain in area mentioned above. Very little improvement since injury. I get this sharp pain when I have to stand up from chair (relieved slightly when I push my arm and shoulder back rather than rolling forward when I get up) and when I pull down (loo handle) etc. Do you think it s a torn muscle or pulled? Should I leave it and just let it heal naturally or should I have ultra-sound etc? It feels tender and sore when pressed by my fingers. I look forward to your remarks or if you need any more info.  Ian Kaye

It may be a torn muscle or a rib that has been forced out of joint by your aggressive hitting. A subluxated rib is pretty common with golf. You are a perfect case for seeing a Chiropractor; the sooner the better.
1) If it is a subluxated rib, you should get it treated ASAP. They are stubborn little buggers and need to be put back in place quickly.
2) If it's just a strain (a partial tear) it will heal on its own in a month or two.
3) If it is a tear nothing can be done and it will take 8-12 months to heal.

So go get adjusted, hopefully that will fix you right up. If not, get ready for a lot of putting this year!
Good Luck!

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