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hip and rib pain
9/26 8:44:42

about 2 years ago, i was punched just to the left of my sternum. I lost my breath for like a couple of seconds, but had no pain so i ignored it. Now for about a year, i've noticed that my left rib right above my waist sticks out way further, and in my back left lower rib, it feels so low, like down to my hip almost!! I also hit my hips on counters at the deli i worked with really hard a couple of times because im my one hip sticks out further. they just look misaligned. a chiro told me my hips had shifted. And i have two hard bumps that feel like bone in my mid lower back, where my waist is. so weird wasnt there before..what can i do to fix this, if anything??

    thats really tough for me to diagnose that. you do have 2 floating ribs on the bottom. i really think this case should go to a chiropractor. i don't think the punch and what is going on now are related. i wish i could help you more , but your chiro is definitely the best and most equipped to deal with misalignments.  

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