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Ongoing pain....NO resolution
9/26 8:47:54

I'm wondering if I have to drop dead for some doctors to take my medical concerns seriously. I explain symptoms and they're always blown off to be nothing. Now...those would be logical assumptions provided I wasn't in pain 24 hours a day.

My most recent ailment comes from pregnancy. During my third trimester, I noticed extreme pain and numbness in my right leg that increased as my activity increased. It slowly spread over my entire thigh and knee region. From what my OB/GYN told me, this was due to the pressure on my spine from a growing baby and that it would promptly go away after I delivered. Although the coverage area of the numbness has subsided 5 months post-partum, there is still significant numbness, tingling, cooling, burning and prickly sensations that is felt from the top of the knee to mid-thigh.

Also for the past week, what started off as a slight tweaking pain on the right side of my pelvis in the ball and joint area has turned into almost a complete consumption of pain in the area accompanied by muscle soreness in the gluteal region. When I stand and try to balance my body weight on the right leg, I find that it wants to possibly give out on me. Left leg, no issues at all.

I definitely know about being in pain all the time with a positive diagnosis of scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, a reverse curve in my neck, and herniations in the lumbar and thoracic regions. So I know I'm not just being a hypochondriac. I just need someone to give me some good in-depth information and advice without summing up my symptoms to something completely unrelated. Or if I could get some advice on some specialists to see or certain tests to be done. I need some sort of relief. HELP....please.

Firstly, I understand your frustration...some doctors do not :listen".  What may have happened and is continuing:
When pregnant, 2 things occurred.  The position of the baby caused pain down the leg (sciatica), and the release of hormones to loosen the joints contributed to it.  Post-partum, the hormones and the pressure decreased, but the pain lingers.  There may possibly be misalignment that occurred and needs to be corrected.  Barring any worsening of a herniation, I believe your best bet is a good chiropractor to check the alignment, correct it, and help rehab it to strengthen the area.

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