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SI joint Adjustment
9/26 8:45:30

Dr. Quackenbush,

I do not have the results of the MRI on hand, just the films.  I believe that it said that I have DDD in L5S1, a 1 mm bulge to the right that abuts the S1 nerve and a posterior annular tear.  All of my symptoms are on the left side.  

I truly believe that my SI joint is causing my pain, as the actual joint aches and feels different to the touch than my right one.  I didn't have any leg symptoms prior to my adjustment and now my left leg (mostly in my calf) has a tingle sensation constantly.  

I have been going to Physical Therapy and have probably improved about 10-20% over the past 4.5 months.  Initially after the adjustment, I was extremely dizzy for about 4 hours.  I then felt like I was in a traumatic accident.  I had a stabbing sensation in the joint, nerve like pain in my left buttock, left calf and all throughout my left foot. I couldn't find a comfortable position for the life of me.  I went from an ache when sitting to not being able to sit, stand, walk or lie on my back without pain.

I am currently unable to sit for long periods, unable to stand still for longer than 20 minutes or so, feel a tingle sensation in my left calf and foot, have a deep soreness in my joint and have left buttock pain (stiffness and soreness).   

Being that I lost faith in the first DC that did the initial adjustment (August 27th), I went back to him and told him of the many new symptoms.  He stated that he needed to see me 9 weeks, three times a week to improve my condition.  I decided not to proceed with him, as no Xrays were taken and I was frightened by my experience.  I waited about 6 weeks and did not improve in the slightest.  At that time, I went to a retired DC (a parent of a student in my class-I'm a teacher).  Without Xrays, he adjusted me three times in the same manner, except this time both SI joints.  I improved about 20%.  He told me to let it ride and that he didn't want to over-adjust me.

Those second adjustments took place in October.  Now that I am still not better and haven't improved more on my own, I need to find another DC who can help me.  Since my initial adjustment in August, I have had an MRI of my pelvis (everything is fine), an MRI of my lower lumbar (results are at the top) and have been to a neurologist, who states that everything is fine and no nerves are pinched.

Can people heal on their own from this?  I do believe that first chiropractor over adjusted me and pushed my joint out of alignment.  The PT seems to think that my sacrum sticks up a little more on the left side than the right, but seems to think that I can heal, as she has seen worse.  I am lost and want my life back.  If you know of anyone in northern CA who has SI joint expertise, please let me know.   I called and left a message on the number you left me this morning.  Thanks again for your help and time.  


I will return your call. I do not think this will get better on it's own given the statements you have made. I am happy to hear that a few more adjustments did seem to help. i disagree with the neuroligist and would like to re-iterate that you have two things that need to be addressed the disc and the SI Joint.

Yours in health,
Dr John Quackenbush

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