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C5 C6 protruding neck disc
9/26 8:44:20

Had neck pain and back pain while on vacation. Went to a physiotherapist and after three visits was advised to get an MRI, which showed a protruding disc in my neck. I was in agonizing pain in my left shoulder blade and neck but the muscle relaxers and anti inflammatory medicines are helping a lot. I've been told to rest for six weeks with no driving, lifting, exercise, or too much activity. My problem is that I have not been able to return home yet. So my question is, do you think I can travel by plane with my two young sons after tens days of complete rest or should I postpone my return trip further? My physiotherapist is very helpful but I was not reassured at all by the orthopedic surgeon I visited so I am seeking a second opinion. If someone travels with me would this be a better option? I just don't want to make the situation worse and am very frightened at the prospect of surgery. I should mention that I am on vacation in a third world country and would like to get back to Italy where I think I may receive better medical advise. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

I strongly disagree with the advice given to you.  You should be ok to travel, but you need to be very careful with all your heavy luggage. If your boys are big enough to help with luggage they need to help you.
As far as resting until it's better is awful advice. The meds will help with pain, but not fix the problem. You may have a bony or vertebral misalignment adding to the pressure on the nerve, and unless it is realigned you will not improve or if you do you will have a relapse of symptoms.  Also, besides having the spine checked for subluxations(misaligned vertabrae) you may want to consider cold laser or low level laser to reduce inflammation in a safer (less side effects too) way. I treat this Condition everyday, and it takes on average 8-16 office visits/ treatments to resolve.
Good luck in Italy! Keep on meds if they are helping for now until you get home to see a good chiropractor.
Let me know of I can help in any other way by referring or recommending someone in your area.

Synergy wellness
Dr. David Kulla
chiropractor , new York  

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