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how to stop joint cracking ?
9/26 8:40:37

I cant stop cracking i know a lot about it i read and watched so i know all those thinks i can get but i still crack. I can crack my back 3 ways on my own 3 with someone doing it , shouders 2  ways, knees 1  way, the very top of the fingers,dunno wats in called but its in top of ur legs, toes 2 ways, neck 2 ways, angles, elbows,fingers 2 ways. One of my finger gone to the side a lot on both hands AND IM ONLY 11 :(

Dear Sara,

I answered this question a few days ago, but evidently it didn't get through to you, so I will answer it again.

There is nothing I can do to make you stop a bad habit.  The only thing that you can do is to make up your mind and then to follow through. You can do it. Nobody can do it for you.

Most people, however, will not make changes until they are motivated, often through a fear of worsening... so here are some thoughts:

1) Repeated self-manipulation or popping of joints is going to result in ligament laxity and deformity and pain. STOP DOING IT.

2) Popping the joints is accomplishing nothing for you. I trained for many years to become proficient at when and when NOT to perform joint manipulation. As a 11 year old girl, what makes you think that you are performing joint manipulation in such a way as to not cause yourself serious damage?

You are only 11.  Ask your parents to help you, and then DON't get mad at them when they do. Make a decision to change, and then DO IT!

Good luck,

Keith Biggs, DC

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