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Left knee/leg/toe pain
9/26 8:52:36

Finally went to Ortho after having sever pain walking since April.  Has gotten much worse and now really can't walk barefoot or without a supportive shoe.  Xray showed nothing and was diagnosed as having a nerve problem with nerve that runs up into toe next to big toe.  I have "burning pain"    Told to wear comfy shoes.   Started to pay attention to foot etc and realize that I have pain that begin on the outside of my left knee, runs down leg into foot and culminates at toe.  Much worse pain when I try to go to sleep at night.  Helps to bend and flop leg to the left side.   Feels "full or puffy" inside as best I can explain.  Nothing odd to look at.  Can identify a specific painful area to side of knee that when pushed on radiates down leg.
I do have disc issues with my back for which I have seen a chiro for years.  They  specialize in Atlas Orthogonality.   Any suggestions?  This has become a major issue on a daily basis.  It is throbbing at the knee area and down the leg as I sit here typing.   Thank you!

It sounds as if there may be a disc issue in the lower back, or a compression problem in the leg.  If you chiro. doesn't address the low back, you may need to find one that does, or search into decompression therapy.  If these do not help correct the problem, you may need an EMG to determine where the nerve pressure originates.

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