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chiropractor consultant
9/26 9:02:07


 Dear Michael,

  I am setting up a marketing program for chiropractors and I'm looking for a well-known, well-respected chiropractic consultant/'guru'.  This person should be an industry leader - someone who speaks at the convention, writes for the mgazines, is active in the ACA  etc.

  Do you know of a recognized leader who may be available for some consulting work?  I'd like to obtain his guidance, counsel and assistance.

Thank you

Earl Brown


Thanks for the question.  Unfortunately, most of the "big names" in the profession already have their own consultant firms or work for them.  I would suggest checking with the ACA in regards to whom they might recommend.  You may have to find someone willing to work with you who is not exactly a household name yet.  This is how most of the big practice management gurus have made their names big.  They started small and spread over time.

Good luck!  If you need any help, let me know.

Dr. Boss

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