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Ibuprofin Long term Use
9/23 17:42:50

I take 800 - 1600 mg of Ibuprofin daily for back and neck pain from disc issues (issues since 1984). I have been taking the Ibuprofin daily for 6 years and it really helps. I take no other pain meds - but do take a daily 81 mg low dose asprin for heart health. I am a 53 year old male, otherwise in good health.

What are the long term risks/issues taking this much Ibuprofin over this many, and possibly more, years?



Thanks for writing!

The side effects of Ibuprofin vary with who you ask. If you ask the manufacturer, there are none. If you ask me, the long term damage to the body will very likely be significant.

I read that Ipuprofin and acetamiophen and related pills are the cause of one-third of the cases of acute liver failure which show up at the emergency room.

Do your own research. Go on Google and search and read until you reach your own decision.

Dr. Rozeboom

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