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abnormal mri
9/23 17:36:42

I had an mri last week because I was having neck pain. The neurosurgeon called the next day and said I have an abnormality on c1 and sheduled me for another one with contrast on the cervical spine and also brain. I had a level 2 fusion on c5,6 a year ago and I am scared to death! I also have noticed a constant dull headache in the temple region. Please shed a little light on what is possibly going on. Thanks so much!

My best advice for you at this point is to discontinue what you are doing right now (that is unless you want to keep getting more of what you have gotten at this point).
This things that you are choosing to do for your health are second rate at best, are you second rate?  Do you deserve second rate, or are you better than that?
The reason that I can say this is because what you have been doing is 100 % concentrated upon diagnosis and treatment of symptoms, as you are paying people your hard earned money to look at the effects of the problem rather than the actual problem itself.  You are then not only allowing but also paying them more to alter what God has given you put foreign objects in your body for the rest of your LIFE.
There is such a small chance that you even needed your first surgery, and you certainly should not let them talk you into another one(although at this point your chances of needing a surgery actually go up due to the fact that you have already had altering of body parts from a previous surgery).
If you have not already taken the MRI with contrast, I recommend taking an MRI but without contrast, or not taking it all at this time.
You need to go to a doctor that can locate and correct the cause of your abnormal health, not someone who is looking to cut parts out of your body and replace them with washing machine parts.
If you are interested in getting well without the use of harmful drugs and surgery, then send me your town and state so I can refer you to a specialist that can help you too.  After all, Nothing is bigger than LIFE!
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

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