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chronic neck and back pain
9/23 17:37:53

Dear Sir,
I am a 35 year old female 5 years ago I had what I thought was a minor car accident.I had some neck stiffness and pain,but it seemed to subside.About 3 years ago the pain gradually got worse and a large knot popped up on my right shoulder.I was told I have a herniated disk c5-c6 and was under physicians care with loriset and valium,within a years time,this past May the pain became so excrutiating,I have severe headaches and it feels as if someone is pulling a cord from my neck to behind my right pinky goes numb and I have pain down my right forearm from the elbow down I also experience sharp stabbing pains under my right shoulder blade.This pain is constant and debilitating.I've lost my job and all the so called Dr's I've seen have different opinions but no help.I've had 3 MRI's in the last 6 months.The last shows disc herniation with neural foramin something or another,My neurologist whom I've just fired says oh it's not that big a problem.Well I can't work'stand for long periods,lift anything play with my daughter or focus sometimes at all.The meds they prescribe barely make a dent but no-one will listen to me.I am at my breaking point I have state insurance and I am often only seen for 5 mins at a time thrown drugs I tell them I've tried that don't work. I've seen the inside of the emergency dept more than I ever thought possible.Now my right eye has begun to water and swell when the headache is bad,I lose my balance frequently and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse.What can I do,I cannot continue and finding a good doctor is time consuming and frustrating.I am beginning to get depressed and at times I just want to curl up and die.Please any advice is better than what I've received so far.
Thanks for your time

Hi Mishca,

The obvious route to go is the highest trained in this field, a Chiropractor. He must be proficient in towel traction and willing to give you a home over-door traction unit to be used outside the office setting.

This should afford results in 2 weeks, if not find another DC since they are the only ones trained to treat these conditions non-surgically with a stellar efficacy rate.
The trick is to find a DC that has a ton of testimonials for herniated cervical discs that incorporates towel traction and spinal decompression.
Call around and soon you will find the right doctor. There is no medication now or ever will be made to unherniate a disc, it has to be done hands on, so no pills!

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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