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Neck injury due to chiropractor
9/23 17:42:04

Hi,4 months ago I went to a chiropractor(my 1st and only session) and he xrayed my neck, told me it was twisted then proceeded to do a neck twisting adjustment, to one side only. I walked out with it feeling as if it was not quite right and have since been through 4 months of agony. I have tingling and aching in my hand and fore arm. My neck on the right back side feels extremely tight and painful. Initially the pain was local to a spot deep within c4 c6 area but it has since spread to the whole general right side of my neck.
 I am not game to go back to the chiropractor. I have so far had bone scans , ct scans and physio, all have cleared me. I am waiting to see a rheumatologist that my doctor has recomended me to but fear that it may be a neurologist that i need to assess the damage.I have full range of motion in my neck but any exercise makes it worse. Do you have any advice that may be of assistance to me at all, much appreciated, Craig


Thanks for writing!

I am disappointed that this occurred with a chiropractic adjustment. This is a very rare occurrence.

There is an exercise that can help you. It is called the Figure Eight. It acts to actually correct the problem, not just make it feel better.

This is the way to do it. Standing or seated, hold the face so  you are looking straight ahead, do not lower or elevate the chin. Then push your face straight forward as far as you can. Holding it forward, move your chin in a figure eight. This figure eight would be laying on it side, not standing upright. Your head will look like one of those spring mounted dolls they stick to the back window of cars. It will bob up and down and side to side.

When this is done properly, there will be a crackling noise at the base of your skull. This is normal, and is a sign that the manuever is working..

There are chiropractors in practice who do not pop one's neck. The ones listed at are a group of such doctors. If you have trouble doing the above, call one of them and see if they will teach you the Figure Eight-Stair step manuever for your neck. It was developed by Dr. DeJarnette and is a part of Sacro Occipital Technic.

Also, some magnesium citrate, water soluble would help relax the muscles in your neck and help it heal. It should have healed by now, so I suspect you might be deficient in magnesium.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom

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