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Is this possible?
9/23 17:40:49

Is it possible for the last pair of ribs to be pushed inward and down a little bit, causing pain in the lower back/flank area, just above the hip bone? If so, what kind of condition is this called?


Thanks for writing!

Yes, this is possible. It occurs most often when a body is doing things like motorcycle jumps or riding a boat on a real choppy sea. But there are vestiges of it in just about anybody.

It usually occurs most markedly on the left side of the body, resulting in the left arm being shorter than the right when one holds their arms close together straight up over the center of their body. It is associated with an imbalance, right to left of the ilio psoas muscle.

It has a variety of names depending on its severity. First their is the psoas muscle imbalance then the rib drops then the kidney drops. It is called a subluxated or displaced rib or a ptosed (fallen)kidney.

It is not curable by drugs or surgery, the way to fix it is to see a good chiropractor and get to the root of the problem, mechanically. Go to, and and find a good chiropractor near you. Ask them if they can "balance your psoas" before you make an appointment.

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Dr. Rozeboom  

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