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head/neck pain
9/23 17:39:13

Ever since I had my last child in 2005 I have been experienceing pain in my neck, and the back of my head that hurts really bad that sometimes my neck goes stiff. I was told by my dr that it was muscle spasms due to the fact that my body was changing since I got hit by a car when I was 8 I am now 29, I broke my right leg and hips. now when I turn my neck no matter which way my neck pops and cracks and it hurts worse, I had went to the hospital a few months ago beause I had a mass on the back of my head and w/o running any test they said that it was a cyst and that it will go away. but every so often I feel it again. could someone please tell me if this could be something serious or could it just be muscle spasms? please help. Thanks Pam

Hi Pam,

Your doctor was right, your body is changing from the accident. He was wrong not to do anything about it.
It is more effective and cost efficient to address these problems early. The longer they go, the more difficult it is to correct. The body doesn't like to get injured, consequently it protects itself from further injury by calcifying connective elastic tissues. This results in abnormal spinal biomechanics and bone spurs, treated early, full normal range of motion can be recaptured.

You do need to worry, letting this "run its course" will inevitable result in permanent dysfunction. You need to get a current Davis series, these are 7 view cervical plain film x-rays, to evaluate where you are in the degenerative phase of a post-trauma patient. Then you need manipulative therapy, ultrasound, rehab and nutritional support (glucosamine sulfate with MSM) to complete the restoration. This will take commitment, time and money. The flip side is further degradation of your quality of life.

Lastly and most importantly, you need to find a competent physician to handle this. If you don't already know of a Chiropractor that comes highly recommended, I will be happy to assist you.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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