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Lower back injury skateboarding
9/23 17:37:52

Hi,Do you think that skateboarding would cause my old back injury to resurface?
                                                                  About eight years ago at 20 years old I was injured lifting,  damage was  small fracture to a vertabrae in the lower back a small hole poked into the disk above and fluid leaked out on a nerve.  I cant remember the disk, it was about four up from the bottom. After the injury I went through therapy and shots .The only back pain I  usually get now is once ,twice a year from arthritis its not so bad. I usually take glucosamine chondroitin with msm  .The past week I tried skating again First time in nine years , my whole body was sore but thats normal  but my left hip felt tight and the lower back stayed sore a day longer it than the rest of my body After doing some stretching, back exercises and sit ups the soreness was gone.
I used too love skating so much Im really hard headed about things but I dont wanna damage the spine anymore.The only kind of skating I like is street and  flatland. Skating  on half pipes  is something Ive never tried and probaly wont now .

Dear Jason,

Anytime you have sustained a back injury, you will always be less resilient than if you had not, and all athletic and sports related activities can promote further injury or an exacerbation of an old one.  With that being said, it doesn't mean that you have to give up the activities you just may need to modify them or train harder for participation.

In your case, I would recommend that you continue to stretch, and exercise the low back area to include conditioning and stabilization exercises.  The stronger your conditioning of the injured body part as well as the rest of the body, the less likely you will sustain further injury.  Train the abdominal, the low back, hip flexors, and butt.  This will provide strength and stability.  Additionally, I would recommend that you read some of the books written by Pete Egoscue.  They are well written and easy to understand. I actually use some of his exercise protocols with patients in my clinic.

Lastly, continue to take a good joint support formula like you had mentioned and incorporate a comprehensive multivitamin.  This will help with conditioning and repair.  A great company to look into is Ideal Health.  I utilize them with my athletes and patients because they create custom formulations for your own specific metabolism (PRIVA TEST).  These are the same nutritional products utilized by the US Olympic teams, the NFL, NBA, and MLB.  you will need an access code if you choose to order (5582806).  I take their custom-multi and joint support formula every day!!

Keep your head up, get the nutrition your body needs, and train for stability....and enjoy the skating!!

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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