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Back Problem
9/23 17:36:15

Dear sir,
I fell on some stairs a couple of years back and after a couple of chiropractor sessions I kind of gave it up because I had to work.
Now I have a small lump in my back that feels like cartilage. It is very uncomfortable and I am very curious as to what it might be. Do yo have any ideas? Is it possible it is just a cyst? Is it muscle that has been so damaged it is just no longer usable? Please help...
Thank you

Hi Dave,
If it's tender, hot, painful it is probably an infection and needs immediate treatment. If it is hard, changes size and is non-painful, it needs to be checked out. If it is soft, non-tender and you can move it slightly, it probably is a lipoma, nothing but a cosmetic issue. It is best a doctor look at it to make these judgments.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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