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Coccyx pain advice for daughter
9/23 17:30:33

Hi, my daughter (13) recently hurt her coccyx on a trampoline. She's been to a doctor who recommended pain killers: paracetamol and ibuprofen, and to not aggravate it. Painkillers are working quite well. My husband forgot to ask the doc about horse riding. She has weekly lessons that last for half an hr, she missed last week when the pain was quite 'fresh'. Do you think she should try this week or would it really aggravate the injury? Our Doc said her pain could last for 4-6 weeks.

Hi Louise,

Sorry to hear about your daughter, but glad she is able to get relief with the medications. I would say 4-6 weeks is good advice and I would stay away from horse riding. Re-injury would make the healing process take longer and risk further damage. As long as there is no type of fracture or subluxation, healing should go well. I would ask her when she feels she is ready to go back on the trampoline, and that should give you an idea of when she will be ready for horse riding. She should be able to start using moist heat to help the healing along and a coccyx cushion.

I hope this helps and that your daughter makes a speedy recovery and gets back in the saddle soon.


Dr. Steve

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