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my mom and brain damage from spinal compression fracture
9/23 17:36:41

My mom, age 85 fell about 3 months ago and sustained an L2 compression
fracture.  While that has healed so that it causes no pain, she is experiencing
other problems.  The left side of her face droops a bit, she drools from that
side, she is having memory and understanding problems, she is nauseas
most of the time, she has told me numerous times that her right hand feels
as  though it doesn't belong to her body and she is having coordination and
swallowing problems.  There was no known cause for the fall, other than the
POSSIBILITY that someone may  have spilled something on the floor before
the fall. She was at the hospital within 1 hour of the fall. We have been told
that she did not have a stroke because
1  she did not exhibit stroke symptoms immediately after the fall other than
pain at the site (her back and tush).
2 a  test (MRI or CT  I'm not sure which one) doesn't indicate that she had a
Could the test be wrong?--and have missed evidence of a stroke?
Could the fall onto the end of her spinal cord have injured her brain?
Thank  you for taking this question.

What people do not usually realize (Doctors included) is that an injury to a certain part of the body can and usually is much more than what it seems.  For Example, there have been people who have broken their ankle and developed Liver Failure shortly after. Many of our patients learn from Day one about energy and how it travels to the weakest link in the chain: So a slip or fall on the ice on your tailbone, may and probably will hurt your tailbone, but the force will travel up the spine to the Upper Cervical Area and can subluxate those vertebrae as a result.  Yes, a person can hurt their tailbone and not even know that they just sustained an Upper Cervical Injury that is putting pressure on their Brainstem.
Something to understand is that Medical Doctors do not know everything, as a matter of fact it is estimated that the smartest and Best Medical Doctors in the world only know less than one-millionth of one percent of how your body really works!  Wow, with those numbers it is no wonder that my family does not have a medical doctor or go to one at all, unless there is something which requires first-aid.
So, although the tests that you have had done and the results of those tests may be able to tell something sometimes (if it is big enough) but many times they do not even know what they are looking for because they do not know enough about the body.
For instance, I can bet that I can find an Upper Cervical Spine Injury in your Mom, that none of these doctors are even trained to look for.  An Upper Cervical Injury puts pressure on the brainstem and spinal cord and causes many different abnormal functions in the body, in essence it accelerates the death process. Do you think that it might be important to know if your Mom has this going on in her body right now?
This is the biggest idea that I know of, and what our practice is 100% devoted to; the location and correction of the Upper Cervical Injury.  And yet there is an entire profession that denies this exists and literally millions of people are suffering and dying because of it.
If you are interested in helping your mom to get well then let me know what you would like to do, or ask me some more questions.  But, the sooner she gets checked and has the Nervous System Interference corrected, the better are her chances to improve.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

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