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c4 and c7 fractures
9/23 17:30:24

I was involved in a rollover car accident on October 13, 2013.  When I got to the hospital, I was told that I a my c4 and c7 facets.  I was scheduled for surgery the next morning for two fusions.  The surgeon held off.  It took 2 months for it to finally start healing on its own.  He did say that it did slip a little more, but it was healing.  After 4 months, I was taken out of the hard cervical collar.  I did not have insurance and I still don't.  Should I of had the surgery?  I still have pain in my neck area.  I was diagnosed by another neurologist to have cervical radiculapathy as well as cervical/lumbar spondylosis.  I am still in pain and Iget terrible burning pain around my neck and shoulder.  I also have scoliosis, so I have bad lower back pain as well.  I was told by a regular ER doc last month that I shouldn't be feeling any pain.  I was also told to go to a pain clinic, but I cannot afford this.  As, I cannot work with all of the pain.  I just got done with physical therapy and it didn't really help.  I just want relief by either treatment our medication, but do not know how not to sound like a drug addict for one and I don't want to get another of "it's all in your head responses.  I just want relief.


Hi Rachel,

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. It's difficult to say if you should have had the surgery, there must have been a reason they elected not to do it. There is also no reason you should have no insurance now. You need to check with the government to make sure you get covered. It would seem that an orthopedist might be able to guide you through the process of diagnosing the exact areas of pain by doing injections. This could also have the ability to provide relief. An orthopedist should be able to recommend some medication that would be appropriate. So, I would get some insurance with the new health care act. Once you do this you will have a primary that can refer you to a good orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Selective nerve blocks should be able to do this.

I hope you feel better and get some proper care as soon as possible.


Dr. Steve  

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