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1st rib
9/23 17:33:04

i had asked you a previous question on

my psoas and illacus problem.

now as we know the body does not work in isolation.

if there is a problem somewhere sure enough there are more

problems elsewhere.

my 9 degress scolosis which i think is from the psoas problem

and asymetrical facet problem, and disc problems.

on my right side i am almost sure it is very easy to move

out of position. and is causing my neck pain.

i have tried the foam rolling on the upper and middle back.

and also with my bands can loossen the muscles around these

areas. also i have found major TrPs just above the strenum that

refers pain to the upper back area and sometimes down the bicep.

this all helps. but then the problem comes back the next day.

also at times if i move my right arm in certain ways i can get

a snaping of a bone i almost sure it is this 1st rib moving.

well just what could be done about the 1st rib if this is actually

the problem?

just why and how is the 1st rib able to move out of position?

thanking you in advance.

Wow, pretty specific questions you ask!

The first rib moves in what we call a "bucket handle motion" versus a "pincer" like motion, like the other ribs.  Therefore the curve of the rib moves superiorly and inferiorly, instead of "in and out".  

The attachment of muscles, primarily the scalene muscles, elevate the rib, and some feel that these neck muscles really do help with respiration, especially when you are really panting after sprinting.

It's been my experience (I didn't check any literature for this) that lower ribs are more often the issue to be dealt with, and are far more likely to refer down the arm.

Hope this gives a bit more insight into your problem.

Dr. Peter Carr
Seattle, Washington

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