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joint stiffness
9/23 17:23:31

Hi Rusty:

I was diagnosed with CFS and Fibromyaltia and also inflammation showed up in the blood tests. I am 58 and it was not until this year (winter months) that my body would be so stiff it was hard to walk up and down stairs. This past week (summer months) we have had a lot of rain. My hands are swollen, elbows and knees ache and are stiff. Hot water feels great and I feel I want to live in the shower because it relieves so much pain. What GOOD medications are out there for this stiffness and soreness. It is debilitating because I get so tired. Any suggestions - anything would help.

THanks,  Pat


I am sorry to hear that your condition is getting worse.

I am sorry but I cannot recommend medications in this forum. There are so many consideration that go into prescribing a medication that recommending a drug without all the medical data before be would not be proper.

CFS and Fibromyalgia are very hard to treat. Working carefully with a good Rheumatologist is the best way to treat this medically.

There are some natural things you can do. There are two types of supplements that many people find helpful. One is omega 3 fatty acids and the other is Cetyl Myristoleate. Both have been shown in many test to help lower inflammation in patients with fibromyalgia and arthritis.

You might also want to check out dieting for fibromyalgia, here is are two link to get you started.

I wish you good health


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